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What can we learn from studying the past?

In this QuickTime movie, the Class learns about the past they are seeing under the Cathedral in Geneva.

Active exploration continues at the archaeological site under the Cathedral, and it is far from finished. The sections of the site open to the public allow us to see for ourselves the problems presented when interpreting the remains of 2000 years of construction in one spot. Walls and layers can be identified, and related to information from archaeological sites and church buildings in other parts of Europe

(Use the controlls to play this QuickTime Movie)

A section of IVth century floor

See a QuickTime movie to find out more about this area of the archaeological site.

Click here to see a section of the IVth century floor under the Cathedral.

(There is no sound in this movie)

A baptistery basin

See a QuickTime movie to find out more about this area of the archaeological site.

Click here to join the class in a visit a section of the zone of the site where the baptisteries were located.

(There is sound but no dialogue in this movie)


Mosaic floor

See a QuickTime movie to find out more about this area of the archaeological site.

Cllick here to the mosaic floor with the class

(There is no sound in this movie)

Chronological sample Click here for a more complete chronology of the Archaeological Site under the Cathedral
To see the QuickTime movies on this page, you must have QuickTime Player installed on your computer. Click on here to go to the QuickTime web page and download QuickTIme Player.


Nyon today
past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
Site Mao

This page was updated on 8 April, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
