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In the Laténium: Studying the metal weapons

Links to other pages of The Celtic Word: the Laténium
Back to The Celtic World: LaTène page
The Laténium - an archaeological museum
In ithe Laténium: Studying Celtic designs
In the Laténium: studying  ceramic objects
In the Laténium: Studying ceramic objects
In the Laténium:The drama of La Tène
In the Laténium: The drama of La Tène
In the Laténium: Studying fibules
In the Laténium: Studying fibules
In the Laténium: Studying metal objects
In the Laténium: Studying metal objects
In the Laténium: Studying weapons
In theLaténium: Studying weapons
In the Laténium: Studying the oppidum model - Mt. Vully
In the Laténium: Studying the Mt. Vully oppidum model
In the Laténium: Studying the statue
In theLaténium: Studying the statue
In the Laténium: Studying  objects associated with transportation
In theLaténium: Studying objects associated with transportation

Class 4 students did sketches of what they saw in the museum.

Use your mouse to find 4 of their drawings hidden on this page

To see class at work in the museum, watch this QuickTime movie
(There is no sound in this movie)

  To see class at work in the museum, watch this QuickTime movie
Click here to go to the Laténium's web site


To see the QuickTime movies on this page, you must have QuickTime Player installed on your computer. Click on here to go to the QuickTime web page and download QuickTIme Player.



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past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
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This page was updated on 22 February, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
