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Map of the Western Empire as divided in 887
On this map, the area outlined in yellow is the Teutonic Kingdom, the portion in purple is the Karolingian Western Kingdom, the segment in pink is Burgundy, and the area in green is Italy.

The map is from the Atlas to Freeman's Historical Geography, edited by J.B. Bury, Longmans Green and Co. Third Edition 1903. It is in the public domain and was downloaded at http://historymedren.about.com/library/atlas/blatmapwestemp887.htm

Nyon today
past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
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This page was updated on 11 April, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
