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Come with us on a walking tour of Nyon...

ruelle de la Muraz

The Archaeology Walk
1 Place Perdtemps
1. Place Perdtemps
2 Esplanade Jules César
2. Esplanade Jules César
3 rue du Vieux Marché
3. rue du Vieux Marché
4 Esplanade des Marroniers
4. Esplanade des Marroniers
5 rue Nicole
5. rue Nicole
6 rue Delafléchère
6. rue Delafléchère
7 rue du Marché
7. rue du Marché
8 place du Marché
8. place du Marché
9 place Bel Air
9. place Bel Air
10 rue de la Porcelaine
10. rue de la Porcelaine
11 the Roman Museum
11. the Roman Museum
More places to visit
Tour de César
Porte St. Marie
Porte St. Marie
rue Juste Olivier
rue Juste Olivier
the Church
the Church
place du Château
place du Château
the aqueduct
the aqueduct
the Villa in Commugny
the Villa in Commugny
ruelle de la Muraz
ruelle de la Muraz

In the summer of 2002, a building project was begun at the foot of hill called "the Muraz" in the center of Nyon. During excavation of the site, in one corner of the building lot, a section of road from the Roman town was uncovered (with sewers below it). Beside the road, the angle of a thick wall dating from the Roman period was uncovered, thought to be part of a very large structure, perhaps a very large private villa. This coincides with descriptions from the 19th century of mosaics found in the area, but since lost. A fragment of mosaic was found in the present dig. These remains have peen preserved through cooperation between the owners of the new building and archaeological authorities.

The picture at left shows the wall covered with plastic to protect it from the weather. Below,the new building is on the left; the wall fragment is behind it, just below the hedge.

Below left is the ruelle de la Muraz, a small quiet street in the center of Nyon, behind the main business street.

Read about this work in the local newspaper, La Côte, by clicking here:. "Has the wall of a Roman palace been discovered?" (4 July 2002)

Use Babelfish.com to translate a web page from French to English. http://babelfish.altavista.com




Click here to read more (in French) about this in the Nyon newspaper, La Cote

Map used with permission of the Archéologie cantonale Vaudoise - Archéodunum SA



















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This page was updated on 25 September, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
