Year 2  Program of Inquiry


An inquiry into

Who We Are

An inquiry into

Where We Are in Place and Time

An inquiry into

How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into

How The World Works

An inquiry into

How We Organize Ourselves

An inquiry into

How We Share the Planet

An exploration of the nature of the self; of our beliefs and values; of personal,physical,mental, social and spiritual health; of our families, friends, communities and cultures; of our rights and responsibilities; of what it means to be human. An exploration of our orientation in place and time; of our personal histories; of history and geography from local and global perspectives; of our homes and journeys; of the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; of the contributions of individuals and civilizations. An exploration of the ways in which we discover and express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs and values through language and the arts. An exploration of the physical and material world; of natural and human-made phenomena; of the world of science and technology An exploration of human systems and communities; of the world of work, its nature and its value; of employment and unemployment and their impact. An exploration of our rights and responsibilities as we try to share finite resources with other people, with other living things; of communities and of the relationships within and between them.
Title of Unit
 Our Solar System
 Patterns, Rhyme and Rhythm
The World of Plants 
Social Studies, Language, PSPE
Art, Music, Language, Math, PSPE
Science, Language
Social Studies
Science, Social Studies
Central Idea  Families recognize important personal and cultural events through celebrations and traditions.  The Earth is part of a vast and complex universe.  Patterns, rhyme and rhythms are fun ways to explore consistencies in language, music, art and math.  Our world is made up of different materials that have different properties and uses.  Communities are an important part of our social structure.  Plant life is a vital part of the Earth’s ecosystem.
An Inquiry into
  • What and why we celebrate
  • How different festivals are celebrated
  • What celebrations look, smell, feel, sound and taste like
  • Earth and its place in the Solar System
  • The Sun
  • The Planets
  • The movement of the planets
  • What patterns, rhymes and rhythms are
  • Patterns and rhymes in looking at words
  • Mathematical patterns
  • Musical rhythms
  • Rhyme in poetry and music
  • Patterns in artistic designs
  • Specific properties of materials and how to describe them
  • The difference between man-made and natural materials
  • How materials change
  • How we can use different materials
  • Our local community
  • The people and jobs in our community
  • What a community is and how it works
  • The responsibilities of being a part of a community
  • The many different forms of plant life
  • What plants/trees need to live
  • The importance of natural forests to the Earth's eco-system and to human life Our responsibility to the plant kingdom
Concepts Perspective



Demonstrations of deeper learning in responsible behaviour through positive action and service; a manifestation in practice of the other essential elements

Powerful ideas which have relevance within and across the disciplines and which students must explore and re-explore in order to develop understanding

Significant, relevant, subject matter which students are expected to explore and know about

Click here to find out more about the 6 themes

Click here to find out more about the 6 subject areas

Those things which the students need to be able to do to succeed in a changing, challenging world

Dispositions which are expressions of fundamental values, beliefs and feelings about learning, the environment and people


updated on 11 juillet, 2006