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The Archaeological Site of St. Peter's Cathedral in Geneva

Study the grain storage area with Class 6

The grains of cereal and the evidence of intense heat tell us what happened in this spot.

In the years 350 to 375 AD, before the construction of the first Cathedral, a very large residence occupied this site. Large jars for storing grain were kept in this area of the building. Under floor heating was added later, perhaps for drying grain. Remains of wheat, oats, millet, barley and lentils have been found and analyzed. Because of evidence of intense heat, archaeologists think that grain might have been roasted here. The mill stones found in the area were used to grind flour.

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mill stones The site where grain was treated in the IVth century
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This page was updated on 8 April, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
