Come with us on a walking tour of Nyon...
and discover the archaeological landmarks
The heart of Nyon is like an invisible archaeological site: An important Roman city is hidden under the ground, among the foundations of the modern city. | Though we know it is there, little of it can be seen (unless a hole in the ground is being dug). Only a small part of Noviodunum has been excavated, and artifacts found are displayed in Nyon's Roman Museum. | Inaugurated in the summer of 2001, frosted glass panels mark the places in Nyon where archaeological finds lie beneath the streets. |
The signs were financed by the Rotary Clubs of Nyon and of Nyon-La Côte, the Friends of the Nyon Museums Association, the City of Nyon and the Canton of Vaud | Each sign describes in French, German, Italian and English, the building buried at that spot,and shows its plan in relation to the modern city map. |
Move your
mouse over the map below to find the archaeological landmarks in Nyon.
Click on the map or on the list at left to learn more about that area.
Archaeology Walk
places to visit
Modern Nyon | 1st phase of Roman construction | 2nd phase of Roman construction | 3rd phase of Roman construction | main Roman streets |
Map used with permission of the Archéologie cantonale Vaudoise - Archéodunum SA
This page was updated on 19 June, 2004 by K. Epps
otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps