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Investigating Nyon Home

What do you do when you find an arena?

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In the Laténium: Studying the Mt. Vully oppidum model

Nyon's Roman Museum
Lvimere! exhibit
Newcomers exhibit
from the amphitheater
from en Joris
Celtic heads
architectural blocks
from rue Juste-Olivier
a painted wall
Class 5's visit to the Nyon Roman Museum
visiting the amphitheater
looking at the scale mode of the basilical
drawing the statue of Julius Caesar
Roman mill stones
How long would it take?
Journées du Partrimoine (Heritage Days) September 2004
Experimental Archaeology ACTA gladiators
Experimental Archaeology ACTA boxing
Experimental Archaeology ACTA making a fibule

the Rhone River



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Nyon today
Past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
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This page was updated on 21 January, 2004 ">21 January, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
