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What do we know about the history of Châtaigneraie?

100 AD
The land at Châtaigneraie belongs to the Gallo-Roman fundus in Commugny. A large villa, (built in the place where the church is today) was surrounded by farm land, stables, workshops, and housing for the owner's family and his workers.
260 - 280
Alaman tribes raid the area
Christianity becomes the main religion
The Burgundians settle in the area. The Burgundians were a peaceful people, who did not impose their culture or their laws on the people living in the area. They held unoccupied lands in the name of the community; this is probably the origin of the concept of public lands in our area.
The land becomes the property of the Abbey of St. Maurice
One-half to three quarters of the land in Vaud is being farmed by the middle of the XIII century
C. 1050-1245
The land at Châtaigneraie belongs to the Cistercian monks of the Abbey of Bonmont, who farm it themselves. In 1245 it is sublet to Girardus de Crassier
Vaucher de Divonne, Etienne de Gingins, and Bishop Arducius of Geneva give the "Terre de Bogis" (the land around Founex) to the Abbey of Bonmont. As it grows, it becomes one of the richest powers in the area, owning lands which extend from the Aubonne to the Pays de Gex, from the Jura to the Lake - including Châtaigneraie.

The Abbey of Bonmont becomes more and more powerful. In 1273 four men from Founex become vassals to the Abbot.

Founex (and Châtaigneraie) belong to the Diocese of Geneva, which covers 6800 sq. kilometers (from the Jura and the Aubonne, to Mt. Blanc, and from St. Gingolph to the Lac Bourget) It contains 453 Parishes, among them Commugny-Coppet, Mies, Tannay, Founex, Chavannes-des-Bois. The people maintain the buildings, furniture and books, and meet regularly to discuss these affairs. This is the origin of our town councils.

Humbert de Thoire-Villars, the Lord of Coppet, gives the right to pasture animals on all his land to the monks of Bonmont
The house of Thoire-Villars builds the town of Coppet
The Bishop of Geneva visits parish churches in the area of Châtaigneraie. In Commugny, a parishioner named Jaques de la Foge earns income from selling religious services. The church door is in ruins, and widows are missing.
Manfred de Saluces, Marechal of Savoy, owns the "Terre de Commugny", which includes Coppet, Founex, Chataigneriaz, Marnex, Tannay and Mies.

The people of Founex participate in the building of the château and fortifications for Coppet

The Bishop of Geneva visits parish churches in the area of Châtaigneraie. In Commugny, the Bishop orders that a larger building be built, and gives permission for work to be done even on minor religious holidays.
The Bishop of Geneva visits parish churches in the area of Châtaigneraie. In Commugny, the Bishop reminds those who bury their dead under the floor of the church to have everything back in place within three days of the burial. They are to paint the cross and the tabernacle, and within three years to wall the cemetery, "as it used to be." There are 140 households in the parish, a number which remained stable well into the future.

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This page was updated on 11 April, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
