"Roman Boxing" - Pugilat
Pugialt was a sport in the first Greek olympic games in 688 BC. It was adopted and adapted by the Romans. ACTAE basses its representations on ancient epigraphs and other iconographic sources |
Experiental Archaeology
Members of the Association pour la Connaissance des Techniques de l'Antiquité par l'Expérimentation presented a day of activities at the Nyon Roman Museum on 12 September 2004, for the Swiss Journées de Patrimoine (Heritage Days). |
Click here to go to the pugilat page on the Association pour la Connaissance des Techniques de l'Antiquité par l'Expérimentation to learn more about this sport.(in French) Use Bablefish to translate this page. | ||
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This page was updated on 26 September, 2004 by K. Epps
otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps