How can an artifact tell you about people in the past?
Bones Burial sites from the XI -XII century were found under the floor of the Cathedral, and tombs were found under the Chapel of Macchabes, a side section of the Cathedral. |
the controlls to play this QuickTime Movie (There is no sound for this movie) |
QuickTime movie shows a student drawing bones from the Macchabes site.
Descriptions of the examples in the display case he is studying describe
Paleodemography, the science of describing ancient populations by studying
the sex, age, social standing, etc. Paleodemographologists work with
skeletons found in an archaeological strata to create a picture of that
living population. When compared with other populations of the same
time period, we can attempt to follow the development of society, and
to gain an understanding of the factors which caused local variations.
Impressions Click here to see the foundry work yard site where the Cathedral bell, Clémence, was made in 1407. (There is no sound in this movie) See a QuickTime movie to find out more about this area of the archaeological site. |
Grain Click here to see a IVth century area where grains were stored. (There is no sound in this movie) See a QuickTime movie to find out more about this area of the archaeological site. |
This page was updated on 19 June, 2004 by K. Epps
otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps