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The Laténium - an archaeological museum

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The Laténium - an archaeological museum
In ithe Laténium: Studying Celtic designs
In the Laténium: studying  ceramic objects
In the Laténium: Studying ceramic objects
In the Laténium:The drama of La Tène
In the Laténium: The drama of La Tène
In the Laténium: Studying fibules
In the Laténium: Studying fibules
In the Laténium: Studying metal objects
In the Laténium: Studying metal objects
In the Laténium: Studying weapons
In theLaténium: Studying weapons
In the Laténium: Studying the oppidum model - Mt. Vully
In the Laténium: Studying the Mt. Vully oppidum model
In the Laténium: Studying the statue
In theLaténium: Studying the statue
In the Laténium: Studying  objects associated with transportation
In theLaténium: Studying objects associated with transportation
The Latènium has been built so that a visitor is aware of many realities at the same time: the "real" Lake Neuchâtel, the lake at the level it was many centuries ago, and the "dry" lake bed, showing the poles which supported the Bronze Age houses..

In the gift shop and books store at the museum
This reconstruction of a Bronze Age house sits between the museum and the lake.
The class visited with a workman in the "dry lakebed"









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This page was updated on 20 March, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
