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Come with us on a walking tour of Nyon...

5. rue Nicole

the Forum
The Archaeology Walk
1 Place Perdtemps
2 Esplanade Jules César
3 rue du Vieux Marché
4 Esplanade des Marroniers
5 rue Nicole
6 rue Delafléchère
7 rue du Marché
8 place du Marché
9 place Bel Air
10 rue de la Porcelaine
11 the Roman Museum
More places to visit
Porte St. Marie
rue Juste Olivier
the Church
place du Château
the aqueduct
the Villa in Commugny
ruelle de la Muraz

The text in English reads: The forum - The status of Colonia Iulia Equestris (founded about 45 BC) required it to have institutions conforming to those of the Roman metropolis in order to ensure the political, judicial, economic and religious administration of the town and its territory. The forum, an architectural complex with several buildings, fulfilled this function. The main highway through the town divided the forum into two parts: the sacred area where official religious ceremonies were held, and the public area (basilica and porticos) that was used for the lay activities of the town. A large mosaic, depicting a procession of water divinities, which decorated the floor of one of these public area porticos, was discovered in 1932. Information panel on rue Nicole
Nyon map rue Nicole, Nyon

Sacred area (A) Public area (B)
Blue: first phase of construction, Red: second phase of construction, White: Roman road network

Click here to go to the Nyon Roman Museum's page about this part of town
Read (in French) about the archaeological investigations of the forum carried out by Archeodunum S.A.
Use Babelfish.com to translate a web page from French to English. http://babelfish.altavista.com




















Below the map on the glass panel in rue Nicole, these elevation drawings show the whole forum.
Move your mouse over the drawing to identify each area; Click on each area to link to other pages in this sitef or more details.

North-South section Cryptoportico Portico Temple Portico Cryptoportico Market

Reconstructed North-South section across the sacred area: a) cryptoportico b) portico c) temple reconstruction f) macellum (market)

East-West section Temple Portico Cryptoportico Basilica

Reconstructed East-West section of the whole forum. In the sacred area a) cryptoportico b) portico c) temple. In the Public area d) porticos
e) basilica.



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past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
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This page was updated on 24 April, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
