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Come with us on a walking tour of Nyon...

Porte Sainte Marie


The Archaeology Walk
1 Place Perdtemps
2 Esplanade Jules César
3 rue du Vieux Marché
4 Esplanade des Marroniers
5 rue Nicole
6 rue Delafléchère
7 rue du Marché
8 place du Marché
9 place Bel Air
10 rue de la Porcelaine
11 the Roman Museum
More places to visit
Porte St. Marie
rue Juste Olivier
the Church
place du Château
the aqueduct
the Villa in Commugny
ruelle de la Muraz

The arch of the Porte Sainte Marie spans the Grand Rue, following the traces of the Roman's main road from Lausanne to Geneva, through Nyon. Many Roman-carved blocks are visible in the wall to the left of the road.

Originally, towers stood on either side of the arch, which was really a door frame, with a heavy wooden door to the town. In the 18th century, the house on the right (the Lake side) of the door was built: that tower was demolished, and the door removed.

The picture below shows holes in the wall where door hinges were once attached.
A section of capital from the forum was re-used in the building of the medieval wall.





































Nyon today
Past Nyon
Roman Museum
the Rhone River
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This page was updated on 19 June, 2004 by K. Epps

Unless otherwise mentioned, all photos are by Katharine Epps.
Sauf mention contraire les photos sont de Katharine Epps
